If your goal is maintaining health and wellness, it might not take much time out of your week to commit to a six-day strength workout plan. If you exceed the rep goal by 4+ reps then add 5-10lbs to the working weight. 6 days. So you’ll be training each muscle twice per week. Leaf Group Ltd. Jenna Fletcher is a writer specializing in health and wellness. This allows you to make more progress and lift heavier when you feel mentally and physically equipped to do so. Any effective 6 day plan will have several elements, some of them already explained: If steps are taken to meet all five requirements, incredible results can be made in short periods of time as the high frequency aspects of the 6 day workout routine provide maximum stimulus for gains in muscle mass and strength. As you complete the full 6 weeks, things will compound and get harder. You've probably heard that everyone is different when it comes to exercise. Furthermore, when most people truly consider their end goal–a great physique–it is clear that building muscle is a fundamental part of achieving the best possible outcome. A 6 day workout split is not to be taken lightly, however. It is much better than a 3 day workout program but it usually has a day. You can add balance as part of your strength training or flexibility routine. Both groups increased in fat-free mass (muscle and other soft tissues and supporting structures): 3.5% for the SJ group and 4.9% for the MJ group, Both groups experiences a large increase in their, Both groups increased in their Bench Press one-rep-maximum (1RM): 8.1% for SJ and 10.9% for MJ), Both groups increased in leg extension/quad strength: 12.4% for SJ and 18.9% for MJ, Both groups increased in squatting strength: 8.3% for SJ and 13.8% for MJ, For all results, the increased results of the multi-joint group were all statistically significant (p < 0.05). This is an intermediate routine designed to build strength and muscle mass. In just 6-12 months of this training program, you can make radical changes to your physique and strength levels. But on the days that you don’t feel so great, use the static percentages to hold yourself accountable. If you don’t have one you can estimate repetitions using RPE. The Internet and social media have given us access of an overwhelming amount of information. Sports like basketball, tennis and soccer can all count as physical activities and will burn a lot of calories. PPL programs break a weekly training routine into 6 workouts, one dedicated to push, pull, or leg … Day 5: Hamstrings and Back. Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, Arms: However, it is well worth your time and effort as the end result can easily include a large increase in poundage on all of your lifts across the board. According to a study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise in December 2018, doing three 13-minute sessions a week for eight weeks is enough to increase muscular strength and endurance. Beginner Workout Plans. Jon Chambers is an Army veteran, powerlifter, strength coach, sports hernia expert, and writer involved in the strength training community for almost a decade on a mission to create the best strength and fitness guides on the web. Hi Jon, thanks for this killer plan. This is not a bad thing in the slightest—on the contrary, it means you will make progress much quicker than an intermediate and advanced lifter. If you’ve read the myworkouts.io Foundational Training Series, you know there are many factors to consider when training for maximum muscle growth. You might think that having a 30-day diet meal plan or a 90-Day Meal Plan , it will still not be sufficient if you will not accompany your healthy balanced diet with daily exercise. Staying hydrated is key to nourishing your body, pre and post workout. It should not be Achievable: set a goal that you can actually achieve; this means something within your control that can allow you to achieve what you set out to do—and lifting weights/living a healthy lifestyle are both completely within your control and work to accomplish the goals of a better physique and increased strength. This blending of the two methods holds you accountable while allowing for the possibility of increased performance and results. Immediately noticeable is the incredible increase in cardiovascular benefits obtained from lifting with compound movements (bench press, squat, deadlift, overhead press). Bodybuilding . Great blog! This does not mean that there aren't some commonalities between the different six-day workout plans. But wait…isn’t a 7 day routine be better? With necessary background information explained, it is time to reveal the actual 6 day plan. Although cardio workouts are an integral part of weight loss, you should not neglect strength training as it is an important part of obtaining ideal health and losing weight. Hey Mark, everything on this site will be the “American” standard of Sets x Reps. Fun fact: it’s the opposite in European training circles (Reps X Sets). On days that you feel excellent, use an RPE scale to allow yourself to lift more weight. It takes a lot more to gain size than simply lifting two to three days a week. If you exceed the rep goal by 0-3 reps then add 2.5-5lbs to the working weight the next time you perform the exercise. Terms of Use Boosts endorphins, improves moods and helps treat depression. This would make sense as college athletes are highly unlikely to fall into the beginner territory in the realm of muscle and strength. In natural strength athletes—those who do not take performance-enhancing drugs—a focus on heavy, compound lifts is most conducive to dramatic positive changes in one’s physique, posture, strength, and health. 2. Day 1: Le gs. There are other factors of overall health that are improved thanks to a good, healthy workout session. One group performed single-joint (SJ) exercises: One group performed multi-joint (MJ) exercises: Neither group has a change in bodyweight (but both groups lost fat and increased muscle and lean body mass). Day 2: Back and biceps. During my workout, I’ll take five grams of creatine protein powder. This workout is created for the people who go gym regularly and taking only a single day rest. One study published in 2010 found that, in a group of college athletes, autoregulation proved to be more effective at increasing upper-body strength than a more rigid program of linear periodization. If you are new to strength training, the American Heart Association suggests consulting with a certified fitness professional before starting a strength-training program.