Blogilates 90 Day Journey Meal Plan. I wish she’d give herself a break <3. You are a really lovely person and you showed us how much you are taking action to reach your own dreams. Congratulations! When you first started your journey, you also motivated me to start mine as well. So proud of you that you can make it through 90days challenge! Also sorry I put down 2 identical comments on your other post – still learning how to properly comment also I know this is so late, but I just read your book as well and it is inspiring and wonderful! That’s my best answer for now. You seem to have really grown in this journey and I can’t wait to see how your content will change with you over time. Be detailed and be flexible. I loooove your charts!!!! I recently found you on YouTube and have become obsessed with your workouts! So happy for you and PROUD of you! My goal is to blog how I am feeling DAILY. Blessing dear girl, keep going, you are awesome just being you! It's one thing if you're actually overweight and want to be a healthy weight, but you already *were* a healthy weight. I just use measurements so that I have a way to tell if I’m making progress. Don’t be too hard on yourself either, it’s not because you feel like you look more like her before picture that you should put yourself or her down. Even if you didnt meet your goals, just you learning more about yourself and treating yourself with care and love and the nurture it deserves is successful in it of itself. Do you not have functioning eyes? For being such a dedicated fitness mogul, she seemed to have trouble getting as thin as others out there. Way to go Cassey!! This is literally her life, and she’s finally cracked the code in the elements and habits that allow her to live it to her best self. In January 2018 I’ve decided to go for online app to help me in my weight loss journey. Anyway, your 90 day journey – girl! You’re such an inspiration. I thoroughly enjoyed writing in my 12 week Fit Journal daily and reflecting on my goals in my weekly recaps. Congratulations! I wanted to say that As the year 2020 approaches, I am actually finding myself choosing to embark on a very similar journey to achieve the best version of myself. What an amazing transformation, you look incredible, and I’m sure you feel fantastic. What an energy this person has???? I’ve been following since day 1 and have enjoyed watching through the process! I followed your journey and am impressed truly. For me setting specific numerical goals helps motivate me and helps hold me accountable. congrats, that is really impressive! Well, it’s okay if you don’t see a huge difference, because that difference matters to Cassey only since it’s HER journey. I’ve been studying a lot though, so I guess that’s a good thing. If there’s something that triggered you annoyed you about her post then keep it to yourself. haha. Can’t people be better versions of themselves as long as it makes them happy? Seeing you doing such an incredible job on your 90 day journey has made me wanna embark on a journey of my own. You’re such a wonderfully motivated, hard working, dedicated person. I do this all the time with my monthly goals, as well. Many weight loss programs, trainers, medicine etc all claim to have amazing weight loss results within short periods of time. I’m on my own 90 day fitness journey and am in love with how you took such detailed data. You look absolutely terrific! It just shows the persistence conquers resistance and anything you put your mind to can be achieved. This is my first–and will probably be my last–comment ever on this website. So, if you’re now INSPIRED to start your own journey, you can grab your own Fit Journal for 40% off using the code 90DAYJOURNEY on Instead of snacking on nuts and cheese, I was snacking on nuts, nuts, and more nuts. There is scales that weigh body fat and muscle mass, but I don’t know how accurate they are. I gave myself 90 days to get in the best shape of my life - mentally and physically. I’m so inspired by your journey and reflections! Im sooooo happy to hear all the positive things you said about yourself and your journey. PopFlex Active is the official website where Blogilates products are sold. Please don’t ever take certain comments personally because some people are obviously undereducated in fitness etc. YOU GUYS. I also do martial arts and your workout have helped so much in that as well. Wow!!!! Congratulations. And yes we surely noticed the butt lift. All the best to you! I am so happy, so inspired, so liberated by your sharing. Hello Cassey! From that initial point, it’s clear that she’s found other ways to feel good about her body and how it functions, not just her weight and her appearance. Congratulations for totally smashing your challenge! Also so happy for your abs and stomach area as it’s been an issue for you. What she *really* needs is to learn how to be comfortable with herself (inside and out) and start getting used to not caring as much about people’s stupid opinions and reactions. I don’t think this is what true recovery looks like either, (because I don’t think she’s done recovering from her metabolic trauma) but considering that she was willing to drop Keto (even though it was helping her lose weight) in favour of a diet that was more sustainable and fulfilled her in other ways means she is putting her mental and physical health in front of her weight and appearance. Are you ready to begin your 90 Day Journey? Every other time I had gone on a strict diet and fitness regimen (like my Bikini Competition in 2012), I couldn’t wait for it to be over. Last thoughts: I started doing Blogilates when my daughter was at UCLA and she told me about it. It’s been really sad to see the negative comments throughout this journey but it’s really inspiring to see you push through it. Everyone of us knew how many calories we were eating because we were so wired to memorize everything, but the exchanges really helped us focus more on the important nutrients of a meal and understanding why we need ALL types of foods. An inspiration for sure. She began her journey because she wanted to feel good and in control of her body again. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. | Day 16 of 90, 12-Week Fit Journal Giveaway! What mattered the most on this journey was Cassey’s own perception of herself. Welcome to my channel! Thanks for showing us how strong you are, mentally and physically! Your results are so amazing, but more importantly, I’m so glad that you FEEL better and that you’re a better version of yourself! This is so refreshing and I am so happy that your are spreading the message that wanting to better yourself does not mean you hate yourself! I appreciate your kindness and respect but why is it that anyone who dares to constructively criticize Cassey gets accused of projecting? And this is so impressive. Love reading the daily blogs and I’m so glad you are reclaiming your personal happiness!! I have been following you for seven years now and I just wanted to congrat you on crushing your goals! Youre amazing! I could tell that there were some changes in your body from your videos, but these pictures really show it. Can’t believe that only losing 2 inches or almost 2 inches everywhere makes a big difference. Same with me. I’m so proud of you! I went from 150.4 to 134.3 I’m looking and feeling so much better, confident, and more like myself! Also good for you for not worrying what people think and doing you. | 73 of 90, Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon Muffins! She addressed the ED thing and all of that in her post. So maybe the genetic test was kind of right? WHAT!!!???? I am going to do her beginners workout calendar and then start doing the regular monthly calendars. You motivate me and thousands of other people and made me realize once again that only I can discover what is best for my own body and that will guide me in this fitness world I’ve been enjoying your videos since 2012 and I will continue to do so! This is something I recommend so many people to try because it is the only way to find out what works for each individual. Congrats on your health and f*ck the haters <3, This is awesome! And that whole purpose of my life, the only thing that really made me wanna stay alive was taken away from me. Thanks for inspiring me I actually have no idea where to begin, but I will get there. ❤❤❤. | Day 14 of 90, Why rest days are important | Day 13 of 90, 5 Ways to Light the Fire Inside You | Day 12 of 90, Why is it ok for men to lose weight, but not women? You are so honest and straight up. I also really enjoyed that you talked about how you weren’t feeling good about yourself and that was enough for change. You are an inspiration to me not only fitness talking (I started to write my own workouts with the exercises I learn from your videos) but you also teach me how to live an everyday life I can be proud of most of the time. You look happy and healthy and I hope you have them for life. From Day 1 to Day 90, I have lost a total of 17.4 lbs! Everyone’s body is different. You’re right she IS enough, strong, and powerful, WHILE doing this entire program for HERSELF. Its no different than choosing non-alcoholic drinks because you’d rather nothave a headache the next day. I’m happy for you that you are happy and you have reached your goals. Inspirational, as always! The Countdown is On – 90 Days Til Summer is ALMOST HERE! You are an inspiration for helping women find what works for them (and let that NOT be a starvation diet- thank you for that, too!!) Her BMI and her numbers are still within the healthy ranges and she has used a lot of this to BUILD MUSCLE. And what a nice side effect that you look great too! I definitely feel motivated to do the same <3 You don’t need to log everything to eat any longer. As much as I enjoyed the progress I was seeing, I wanted it to be over so bad because I couldn’t see myself sustaining that lifestyle forever. I have got many recommendations, but I narrowed it down to 2 trainers from Youtube Channel. Your results are amazing also, the definition in your arms and back is crazy! You have always been and continue to be a positive inspiration! I’m really looking forward to reading the second part! I am so proud of you, and this post give me the motivation to try to do something like this because I LOVE my body and I want to treat it right.<3, I am so happy for you , you inspired me to start my own journey of getting healthier and loving myself and I am sure you inspired alot of people so thank you , For every one hater you have a thousand fans. . Congrats Cassie! I really enjoyed you set your goals that high and you reached it by enjoying it!! I have started working out since 2016 (two years after my delivery). You look amazing! Don’t let those awful comments get to you. I will work for it. As a registered dietitian, I’m happy to observe the dietary changes and emphasizing the importance of food and sleep. Later, in February 2017, I decided to quit gym and do something different. I was wondering if you could make a schedule/typed out sheet for the workouts that you did, as the journal picture is a bit blurry and I’m very inspired to follow along in my own journey! | Day 7 of 90, Eew don’t call me an “influencer” | Day 6 of 90, We’re not right for each other anymore | Day 2 of 90. Not just in numbers of people but the way we see life and goals. I love how you can always stay true to yourself and stay positive, since following you for the past 7 years now. I wasn’t calculating my macros or calories, but I was very conscious of my carb levels being low and my fat levels being high in comparison to each other. Workouts, challenges, and programs in my App! She understands herself a lot better than any of us could understand her. Go one wicha bad self girl! I have been trying to do something similar but I am afraid I don’t have enough knowledge to “try” and fix it being anemic. Thank you for being authentic and honest during your journey. That’s huge! I wish shipping to canada wasn’t so expensive, maybe I’ll order the 12 week journal next time I order a $200 cart , Hi Cassey, Thank you for being so open and honest, it’s been super fun following your journey. Cassey! I’ve been following you since 2014 and I am endlessly inspired by you in so many ways! Here is the link to the conclusion of Cassey Ho's 90 day journey. Enjoy your well deserved facial and massage. Pictures to look different (which they do)? I’m so happy that you were able to do this for yourself! Not to mention the negative message of “this skinny body is not skinny enough.”. You have inspired me to go through my own journey and work with my body. It makes sense that you wouldn’t see much of a difference. Is it somewhere online? I’ve gone down to 18-20% body fat and I could tell you it’s not easy at all! I feel like dealing with all the criticism and meanness may have helped you with your mental goals, too, even though it was painful and will probably always be painful. My muscle mass is 26% and hope to achieve more muscle mass. I also gained a lot of sudden weight after getting married and this has been heavy on my digestive system (I have GERD) since I was very young. I don’t think this is sad at all, in fact, this journey has been very encouraging and positive to us all. also thanks for the fit journal coupon code! maybe she doesn’t have disordered eating yet, but obsessing over these markers is a common way we head down that horrible path. Thank you Casey❣️. And because I wrote down every single thing I ate in my Fit Journal, I can tell you why those plateaus happened. After completion of my program with FITGALAXY, I have decided to continue the same fitness regime but did not extend my program with them. Much love girl, glad you could crush your goals!! Your insights are so helpful and have come at the perfect time for me! Anyway, your hanesty is brilliant, and now that I know that you were hiding some of your ‘self’ I look forward to getting to know you even more so. She doesn’t have to be this weight, no. Charlotte Daly Charlotte is a fitness and … Also, you said that the genetic test recomended you to eat fewer carbs (arround 40% of your diet), but the graphs show how the more carbs you ate the better… well, in the graph it looks like your % of carbs by the end of the journey was arround 40%! So what if there is/isn’t an obvious physical change? I love that you did this for you and no one else. Reading you now is part of my morning routine. Ignore that noise and Keep doing you! Cassey I have been following you for many many years now since before a lot of things. I can already say right now that 120 lbs is going to take a lot for me to get there. !Thank you for being so real and honest about your journey! This blog really inspired me. And I think wanting to be the version of yourself that you feel the most confident in as all that matters. Poor you, just ignore then, it’s only jealousy ! As someone who’s struggled with eating disorders on and off (though it never goes away, you just manage symptoms) and has been through treatment, I wanted to remind people that in treatment we keep food diaries and track what we eat. What started as blog posts and spreadsheets has turned into this exact 90 Day Journal. I’m a huge believer in letting food be my medicine, and medicine be my food. just follow the bodies natural signs. hey girl congrats! What’s that test you did? She’s perfect. I look forward to starting my own this January. Hi Cassey, I remember watching you do this and was totally inspired. This is so inspiring!! I counted calories, worked out and tried helsthy snacking or just not snacking at all. The 90-Day Gratitude Journal is your personal tool for injecting a dose of positivity into your day. It seems tricky to exactly measure the intake especially if you are cooking without prepackaged food! I want to thank you for sharing your journey! I want to do this 90 day journey before my wedding next year! My son is two, and I’ve been struggling iwth idea of letting him fall asleep on his own in his room. I worry this is only the beginning of more pressures and insecurities. How will you make sure the weigh stays off? I always learned that if you end up under 1200 kcal your body cant function properly, so I was scared to undereat while training… do you have more information about this? Thank you! Your videos are fun and engaging in a way I haven’t seen with other fitness youtubers except maybe Yoga with Adriene! The Blogilates May 2021 Workout Calendar! And the more carbs and protein I ate, the more weight I lost. I believe you posted this on your Instagram at the perfect time for me as I’ve fallen off my fitness wagon a little bit and I miss the Summer-me where I felt my absolute best mentally and physically! Not working out has left me feeling… Unlike myself. The plateau was probably caused by a severe lack of sleep that increased the levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in my body which made me hold on to more fat during this period. I was so sick of eating broccoli and chicken breast. Much love from Canada! It's your motivating planner for a successful change in diet and a daily companion on the journey to more health! Hi Cate – I understand where you’re coming from, as I had similar concerns when Cassey first began her journey. That being said, could you please make a weight vs net calories chart? I will never get why some people can be mean towards someone who is trying to become healthier and happier. This was amazing! I think it says she used my fitness pal Xx. This is amazing. Anyways, thank you so much for sharing! The Blogilates May 2021 Workout Calendar! I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts every day and getting to know the real Cassey again. girl what are you even saying omg!!! I came up with a meal plan, wrote down everything I ate, planned out all of my workouts, prioritized my sleep, and journaled every single day. Much love xxx. Focus on your own health and when you shift your mindset away from deprivation and fear and towards abundance, you won’t invent issues in others that don’t necessarily exist. It’s so refreshing! You are an inspirations to all of us who want to improve ourselfs because we love us. I think there’re noticeable changes that she should be really proud of for achieving, and not everyone’s fitness goals will be the same. I HAD GAINED 15 POUNDS! You go girl You look INCREDIBLE. Because I love my son and don’t get enough time with him anyway, I treasure that last hour or so before he falls asleep, and don’t want to end our day with tears. I applaud you for being patient for 3 months! You have had me back eating right and I have started to loose weight and slip in more workouts. You’re incredible and I absolutely love your perspective on body positivity. A huge hug from me to all of you, especially Sir. Congratulations on achieving your goal Casey. Hey i think you are insecure. We live in an oversenitized society where people are so easily triggered by everything because they tend to be in a bad state mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Our own happiness and the way we feel in our own skin is what matters the most. I’m a very logical and number focused person. Thank you for not giving up! Because of this when I think about my motivations for improving/maintaining my health and staying fit I can't rely on the my ingrained reason of " I need to look a certain way so that I can be loved by another person." Congrats again Cassey! I don’t think she’s truly happier, I think she uses exercise and diet as a coping mechanism. I have enjoyed the daily blogging and will be sad to see it end! Cassey was already fit and exercising. Her biggest achievements, I think, are discovering the things that worked for. Her true self – and her true achievements- isn’t just based on how she looks or how much she weighs. I’m gonna grab life “by the balls” and JUST LIVE LIFE the way I want. I am so proud of you! Congratulations! My calories fluctuated a lot based on what I felt like eating that day! Just bought the journal. by Various artists. Yes. My daughter is getting married, and she now has her fiancee doing Summer Sculpt. I want to thank you so much. I think it’s in your inability to recognize this why you’ve been accused of projecting. Truly well done! And honestly, you deserve nothing less than your best for yourself. I’m going to delve in deeper into your blog! Thank you so much Cassey for sharing this experience with all of us – I really enjoyed as well (I used to always watched videos on Youtube but when you began your journey, I started enjoying reading a little bit more than binge watching videos – and because of you, I even plan to start a blog soon on my personal time after work). I think this is sad! I am so proud and happy for you. Congratulations! So awesome! Dam Cassey. Cassey, I think we have your next journey. You just need a blank journal, a pen, and 90 days to focus on a goal, any goal, you want to achieve. That is amazing, and this is why you have been one of my biggest role models. But more importantly, it sounds like you feel happy and proud. Will you continue eating the way you did for these past 90 days? You rocked it and you did it your way. Congrats ! A big thanks to Cassey. I’m personally tied by other’s opinions about my weight loss and it gets on my nerves at times. It’s your body responding to reduced calorie intake by reducing calorie expenditure to maintain energy balance and prevent starvation.” Technically, it is called “adaptive thermogenesis. And Congratulations!! I wish at the very least she’d be transparent, because a real journey of improvement and self care (considering she’s already in very good shape) would be more about how you feel physically and mentally without worrying about weight or meaningless factors. I respect you so much for that! I am just crushing over her fitness and her routine and her workouts. Hi Cassey, I discovered your YouTube channel recently (whilst UK is still in lockdown) and am LOVING your videos! Congrats on reaching your goals and finishing the 90 days! 2. Makes all the workouts super fun and easy with her stories. You should be so so proud as we are of you. So it was a no brainer for me to go away from high fat consumption, given my symptoms, the stagnating weight on the scale, AND this test. I’m gonna look back on some of your entries and try out some of the meals you’d made hee hee. However, I had fallen completely out of shape. I’m only 30 and couldn’t even climb the stairs. Have a nice week-end, you deserve it <3, Aww Cassey I’m so happy that you’re happy and loving yourself! Tracking calories and weight is not inherently disordered. I WAS MEANT TO WORK OUT. Following along with your work outs on YouTube always make me feel great afterwards. Cassey!! You are amazing and inspire me every day, thank you! So nice when we have something of are own we enjoy. Cassey, yay! Thank you so much for this! You’re amazing. If you’re expecting a shocking transformation then I guess you’ve come to the wrong place, because Cassey does not promote unrealistic or untrue methods of weight loss. Some People need to buy a brain and try to use it. The lighter colored lines are “trend lines”. I’m going to begin my own 90 day journey too! But after reading this I just had to. I revamped my 90 day plan and just this week of incorporating 5 days of working out and eating much healthier every day I lost 5 lbs – which is just to testify how crappy I was actually eating. My journey isn’t over yet, and I’m loving it too. My plan, once I am able to do so, is a 90 day fitness to get back into exercising after the 3 or so weeks of not being able to workout. You must drink 3-4L of water EVERY DAY. I found this so interesting. I was shocked because while I hadn’t been exercising I was still eating pretty ok (I’m vegetarian) and I hadn’t gained that much weight. It is inevitable, but at least let’s not be mean about it. We’re going to dive deep into what worked, what didn’t work, and any correlations I saw in regards to weight versus calories, weight versus carbs, weight versus protein, and weight versus fat. I'm contemplating on purchasing it but it's quite pricey, so I don't know if it's worth the money or not. The first month of my 90 Day Journey I was doing “Lazy Keto“. How would I weigh my body fat though? -Love from Canada. So I weight myself last week for the first time in 3 months. Everything you said is fascinating and beautiful. I feel like as human beings we can be incredibly self-destructive at times. Cassie you are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing xox. I was 10 kilos down. Sep 10, 2016 - The challenge is to eat clean and be active for the next 12 weeks. Hey Cassey, thank you for sharing this! YOU FACKIN’ GO, GIRL!!!! You are truly my inspiration and my hero. I appreciated this sooo much. I tip toe around sensitive personalities and treat everything like it’s so fragile, but NO MORE. Thank you for sharing this. | Day 26 of 90, Sneak peek for something you’re not expecting | Day 24 of 90, UMMM this is the best meal I’ve ever had! What’s Your Story? You are a fully integrated you. Are you for real? Awesome Job girl! Every single aspect of this fitness journal has been thoughtfully designed so that you, too, can experience your own powerful and unapologetic transformation. Shop It: 'I don't know how to explain how much my skin has changed' Amazon shoppers are swearing by this anti-aging serum — and it's on sale for $20. Super exciting. Jennifer. (Not that it’s wrong that you gain weight, and I’m not judging, just curious how you prepare your mind for after the 90 days). But, I really miss working out. I hope you continue to create amazing content for years to come. If you read her next post, she explains why this journey was about far more than just her body measurements. To be honest, no matter whichever weight we were at doesn’t matter as long as what we’re doing makes us happier. Thanks for your adventure. Thank you for sharing all those personal experiences, for showing everyone that changing isn’t a bad thing and for being yourself always. you’ve gotten me on a blog reading train! Seriously, nobody walks about that. Much love and many hugs!! You’re under no obligation to anyone on the Internet to follow their thoughts or wishes! I think you need to understand that different things motivate different people.