In March 2019, against the background of the US considering imposing sanctions against Chen Quanguo, who is the region's most senior Communist Party official, Xinjiang governor Shohrat Zakir refuted international claims of concentration camps and re-education camps, instead comparing the institutions to boarding schools. Tagged with: 1440 ASIA ASSIMILATION CHINA CONCENTRATION CAMPS EGYPT HUMAN RIGHTS INTEGRATION MINORITY MUSLIM MINORITY ROHINGYA SAUDI ARABIA TURKEY UIGHUR UYGHUR WAR ON TERROR. II. Officers have the ability to arrest Uighurs and other minorities simply for engaging in religious or cultural activities like reading the Quran or praying in public. Some 1.5 million people are kept in a huge network of prisons across China. These six steps may not seem like game-changers that will immediately fix the problem or free the Muslims of China and elsewhere from oppression in the way al-Muʿtaṣim freed the oppressed woman, but we are not judged by Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) on the outcome of our actions – as He says in Sūrat al-Aʿrāf: وَإِذۡ قَالَتۡ أُمَّةٌ۬ مِّنۡہُمۡ لِمَ تَعِظُونَ قَوۡمًا‌ۙ ٱللَّهُ مُهۡلِكُهُمۡ أَوۡ مُعَذِّبُہُمۡ عَذَابً۬ا شَدِيدً۬ا‌ۖ قَالُواْ مَعۡذِرَةً إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمۡ وَلَعَلَّهُمۡ يَتَّقُونَ, “And when a community among them said, ‘Why do you advise a people whom Allāh is [about] to destroy or punish with a severe punishment?’, they said ‘to be absolved before your Lord.’ And perhaps they may fear Him.” [22]. The searching and questioning process, where people are encouraged to report their own family members for suspicious activity, has led to many people disowning their relatives. Without your support this work cannot continue. Yet the 21st century is home to millions of adult Muslims desperately searching for answers, losing confidence to practice and confused how Islam fits in today’s world. But rather than adding to the condemnation of blatant human rights abuses, these nations instead wrote in support of China, somewhat echoing statements of Chinese propaganda: "I saw a Muslim in need of guidance, but no one was there to assist him.". [14] It reported that China has spent $1.2 billion on upgrading school facilities to accommodate these removed children, who now face a similar fate to their parents in concentration camps. China’s treatment of the Uyghur population of East Turkestan has been making occasional headlines for a number of years, albeit with limited attention from the mainstream media. our Zakat applicable emergency food appeal here, Why the Muslim World is Silent Over China’s Repression of Uyghurs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sh Haitham: Scholars Must Stand for al-Aqsa, Keir Starmer accused of “picking sides on Islamophobia”, COVID-19: As India’s Covid variant spreads, Pakistan faces ‘impending doom’, Statement: Scholars worldwide lend backing to Jerusalem Uprising, Wesley Fofana thanks Premier League for pausing game to break his fast, Labour leader slammed for bowing to anti-Muslim pressure, Helps complete development and release our brand new website where all the above happens, Helps run National Khutbah days with 100s of Imams reaching 100,000s on Jummah highlighting social issues, Helps produce Unscripted podcast shows with global influential figures tackling todays challenges, Helps produce Unscripted podcast shows with global influential scholars and activists tackling today's challenges, Helps research featured articles by leading scholars/activists offering guidance and solutions, Helps write NewsViews articles setting our narrative to major breaking stories. The region came under complete Chinese rule as a result of the westward expansion of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, which also conquered Tibet and Mongolia. Adrian Zenz, a senior fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, who has published pioneering work on the Xinjiang concentration camps… in Asia, China, Current Affairs, Featured, Latest Posts, Opinion, Politics their own corruption and their abuse of the rights of Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) and His creation – so they are hardly likely to throw stones from their glasshouses. For example, one might notice that we have 22 mainly-Western nations, leading calls for justice in China. The report said the Chinese government doesn’t include the internment camps as part of the criminal justice system so the detainees have never been formally charged or arrested for a crime. One can easily contrast their reaction to this matter against their reaction to the crimes of Zionist occupiers, both on a state and a media level. Within days, a counter statement had been prepared and signed by their 37 friends and desperate partners, that has been noted to be almost verbatim matching the Chinese script. A manual on how camps should be run is especially detailed, describing strict surveillance of so-called “students” and a system for assimilation into mainstream Chinese culture. He is Most-Wise, and He is Most-Just. Survivors also wrote “self-criticism” essays to further defame their cultural and religious beliefs. III. One should never underestimate the power of speaking out against evil. Yes, they may be on completely different scales, but they share the underlying and fundamental principle of looking at Muslims with suspicion and treating religious practice as a ‘conveyor-belt to terrorism’. Recalling an incident from our rich Islamic history is all well and good, and it shows us what we are sadly missing – especially when contrasted against many of the puppet regimes in place today. Indeed, paying to free captives is from amongst the categories of zakāt, [19] showing just how significant eradicating such oppression is in our dīn. Hence witnessing change should not be our primary focus – the key is to take action, with sincerity and according to our ability – as this is what we will be judged upon. China describes the camps as ‘training centres’ to help deter extremists, but former prisoners say they are being used to curb the country’s Muslim population. Barbaric torture, brainwashing and forced organ removals: Inside China’s brutal death camps. Posted by: Abdullah Izzadin S. tanding by the side of the road, a lone protester pivots backwards and forwards to display his sign to every passing car. China’s authorities have championed what they call “poverty alleviation” policies in Xinjiang. [13] A recent BBC report also detailed how children are being separated from their parents, with no contact allowed at all. 403 pages of documents about the concentration camps there. Making duʿā’ for our ummah and never despairing. if they united no one would get in there way …we can do dua may allah paak protect us all n make it easy on those suffering in the world. Your email address will not be published. We may wonder; if this is the weakest form of faith, what then is the active support of such evil? As well as the medical interventions, detainees in Ziawudun's camp spent hours singing patriotic Chinese songs and watching patriotic TV programmes about Chinese … We each have a part to play, be it as a dāʿī, a parent, a politician, an entrepreneur, a civil servant, an aid worker; the reawakening, revival, and strengthening of the ummah requires everyone to do their part. I swear by God, I will send an army that is so big that when it reaches them, it [the tail end of the army] is still leaving our base. But her call was heard by a passer-by, who rushed to make this incident known to the Caliph. Chinese muslims reveal rapes, abortions and forced sterilisations 'using chilli paste' at 'concentration camps' as shocking footage emerges of hundreds of shackled and blindfolded prisoners Dolkun Isa, president of World Uyghur Congress, urges countries in Europe to review its trade deals with Beijing. Some of the actions available to almost every Muslim, certainly in the Western world, include: I. The areas and times of prayer are limited and Muslims have to register and pray under surveillance. You won’t leave this page and it only takes 60 seconds. Furthermore, it is a sad reality that many of our leaders are known for their lack of Islamic principles – i.e. Families all over Xinjiang have been broken apart after multiple members were taken into the concentration camps. They collectively stated: “We call also on China to refrain from the arbitrary detention and restrictions on freedom of movement of Uighurs, and other Muslim and minority communities in Xinjiang.” [2]. please organise a demonstration outside of parliament. China contends that its state-mandated detention camps, surrounded by high walls and watchtowers, are central to its fight against Islamist extremism. V. The above four steps can only make a big impact through the unity of Muslims; working together towards greater good. In August 2018, the United Nations Human Rights Council confronted China and demanded an answer to how many people were being detained in concentration camps in the town of Xinjiang. The Chinese government long denied that the camps existed, but after images of camp construction with watch towers and barbed wire fences emerged, the … Furthermore, such cooperation will only empower Muslims and ultimately make them less reliant on others, and perhaps one day end the perceived need to be subservient to corrupt nations. One should never underestimate the power of duʿā’, and one should certainly never lose hope in the mercy of Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā). Authorities have been tightening surveillance measures, interrogating family members and installing cameras in public spaces. The problem is worse amongst our youth and will be even worse for our next generation. Trying our best to avoid Chinese goods. We empower you and millions more by equipping you with Islamic guidance and solutions so you are confident in your identity and faith to then impact others to be the same. In the camps they are undergoing a regime of strict ideological reprogramming that is attempting to worm its way into people's brains and take from … However, the accounts of survivors paint a different picture. Development of concentration camps. Following on from the above, we, as Muslims, must continue to work towards empowering our own voices and media narratives rather than having to rely on others who may lack transparency and are highly selective in what they choose to show outrage over. Without your support this organisation cannot continue.