Now being able to return home, David approaches his daughter and confesses his initial doubts over the success of their mission to save Henry, and assures her that they couldn't have done it without her, who acted as her leader. David is left behind, and blames Regina, who soon after gets her magic back. Eventually, Zelena is defeated by Regina, who refuses to kill her and instead gives her a second chance. David is trying to maintain peace and order in Storybrooke, which becomes difficult when George resurfaces and tries to frame Ruby for murder. Across town, Zelena's pregnancy is suddenly sped up by dark magic and she goes into labor, which worries Mary Margaret and Belle when they learn through research that Emma's missing ingredient is the cry of a newborn baby. Emma stops the fighting when she has the chance to kill a Lost Boy, and David and the others are let go. She explains that Zelena's magic resides in her pendant, but only the powerful light magic within Emma Swan is able to defeat her. Since Snow's child is needed to break it in twenty-eight years' time, it must be the pregnant Snow who goes through. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), David and the others grow exhausted of hiking up the island in search for Henry and decide to set up camp, per Hook's suggestion. He knew, of course he knew that it wouldn’t matter to her. Seeing the man he truly is, she proceeds to force him over the town line so that he may never return. ("Best Laid Plans"), Snow continues to carry her and Charming's child but is unable to celebrate because she still fears that Regina is going to make good on the threats she made at their wedding. Hook the thinks that if the satchel survived all this time, then maybe a sextant that can help him decode Bae's map did too. ("The Dark Swan"), The dwarfs decides to abandon town now that Emma is the Dark One, but first they decide to send Dopey over the line as a test. Prince Charming 2020: David, der bunte Instagram-Paradiesvogel mit ernsten Absichten. However, it isn't for long when Charming is found by King George's men, who cart him away while Snow promises to find and rescue him. Kathryn tells Regina that she intends to go to Boston alone and explains that she never really loved David either, she left a note for him and she leaves, however, Regina breaks in using her skeleton keys, finds the note to David telling him to seize his chances with Mary Margaret, and Regina burns it in her fireplace. This occasion is made even happier by the arrival of Emma, Henry by her side, who hugs his grandpa. The search proves unsuccessful and could go on for days, but the fairies could still use the necklace to counteract the spell, and destroy it in the process, thus destroying all hope of locating Anna along with it. Sometime after, Snow is pregnant with their first child, and go to Rumplestiltskin for guidance. There, he encounters Rumplestiltskin, who steals his mother's ring and puts an enchantment upon it which should glow the closer he gets to Snow... but he will only give it back to him for a price. The next stop for the very dysfunctional family is the pawn shop, to have a chat with Rumplestiltskin about why he brought magic back and risked Henry's life. When Henry asks what's wrong with his grandmother, David and Emma initially tell him that she's sick, however, he sees this as a lie and they admit that she was partially responsible for Cora's death, something Henry doesn't like. Not wanting to take any risks, David and the others give him his privacy... only for him to throw the magical toadstool onto the fire beneath the cauldron, clearly not wanting the heroes to contact Merlin. He calls Emma from the sheriff's station and the three of them, and David, arrive there to find a dying August stumbling outside. They eventually get their memories back, but when Hook dies, David goes with his family to the Underworld to help Emma retrieve him. It then spreads over Camelot and Emma decides to isolate herself from the others while she figures out how to save Hook and herself from the darkness. Together, they manage to put everything back on track; Henry becomes the new Author and he writes everyone back into the real world. Inside the hat, everyone comes to learn that Oz has now been erased completely, and several other realms of story soon head the same way. He laments this to Hook back at the apartment, thinking Snow should be the one to get to be with their son, and the pirate ends up using his hook to scratch Snow's name off the grave and etch David's in its place. However, David has extensive amnesia and doesn't remember a thing. ("Tiny"), While Emma is in New York with Henry and Mr. Gold searching for the latter's son, Baelfire, she finds him. They go to the groundsman's home where he completes a serum he's been working on, but then he transforms into the warden, and David and Snow realize exactly who they are: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. David offers to find it for them, and Arthur offers to go with him, first stopping by the Round Table to collect a chest of valuable items to help them on their way. They find out from Wendy, who's Pan's prisoner, that Henry has been taken to Skull Rock where he will be killed in order to ensure Pan's own immortality. David and Gold snoop around Regina's vault where they discover that she has taken out a curse that will be able to force Henry to love her so that she may have her vengeance as well as her son. Later, at the party, Mary Margaret and David, as well as Arthur and Guinevere, learn from Hook - who broke into Emma's house along with Regina, Belle and Robin - that Emma is keeping Excalibur in her basement, and that it's the same blade as the Dark One's dagger.