In addition, the extended carrying handle makes for convenient over-the-shoulder transport—something you CAN NOT do with plastic grocery bags. There are several other reasons why a jute bag company has the edge. I agree completely that a single view can easily manipulate the pros and cons of each option so looking at the big picture and long term impact can help us all reach a more balanced and informed decision. Plastic bags never completely break down so they are a major polluter of land and waterways. And even though some of the print has faded away, it is still going strong! By continuing to use this site, you are accepting the use of cookies. Other reusable bags come in many types, with a composite bag made of jute and other materials being one example. There are many studies being shared to support one opinion over the other, and it really got me curious because I really wanted to find out the truth behind all these claims. The best disposal method for each bag might be: Plastic, LDPE – Reusing/repurposing as a bin bag, if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-leader-2-0')};Plastic, PP – Recycle, reuse as waste bin bag if possible, else incinerate, Plastic, Recycled PET – Recycle, reuse as waste bin bag if possible, else incinerate, Plastic, Polyester PET – Reuse as waste bin bag if possible, else incinerate, Bio Polymer – Reuse as waste bin bag if possible, else incinerate. Plastic bags The key outcome of the study was that It seems quite a lot compared to single-use when it comes to plastic bags, … Also, the main LCA we reference is purely a Danish study – so things like bag types, recycling rates, waste management systems, bag production processes, and so on, can vary country to country and impact results. Personally here at we are big fans of cotton bags. It should be kept in mind that if a plastic bag is used more than once (i.e. Consumers are still confused about which is better: plastic bags or reusable shopping tote bags. Just a few more facts that are important to keep In mind when it comes to cotton bags: Paper bags are quite controversial: according to this UK study, a paper bag needs to be reused at least 4 times to absorb its environmental footprint. Reusable bags like cotton and composite might be more expensive to buy and manufacture than the extremely cheap disposable plastic bags, but they often last far longer. The best bag can certainly depend on the indicator you are measuring or assessing for e.g. But what does that mean? Still, in all these life cycles assessment studies, plastic bags do seem to be “more green” than cotton tote bags. So what’s the truth? You may have read that there have been multiple studies, including one commissioned by the U.K. Government Environment Agency Study Reportin 2011 and a Scottish Report from 2005 among others, and they all reach the same conclusion: HDPE bags have a low carbon footprint. Read about some of the more general pros and cons of plastic as a material when used in products in this guide. The study incorporates the impact of raw material extraction, bag production, transportation and disposal and focuses on how many times reusable bags are actually reused by consumers. greenhouse gas emissions, water use and consumption, waste generated, litter rate, pollution and mismanaged waste rate, time taken to break down and decompose, impact on humans, impact on wild life, and so on. Furthermore, non-woven bags tend to be cheaper than woven cloth, making them more affordable for marketing managers. With a cloth bag that doesn’t happen. It is such a simple action, yet so powerful. After all, plastic bags are cheaper, and there is “recycling.” But, as you’ve read, only one percent of plastic bags get recycled. In the case of paper, a bag needs 4 times more water than a plastic carrier. water consumption: use of water for the production of the bags, atmospheric acidification: which can have effects on human health, sensitive ecosystems, forest decline and acidification of lakes, eutrophication* of water bodies: which can lead to the growth of algae and depletion of oxygen. Paper bags can come in a variety of types, made with both recycled and and virgin paper, bleached and unbleached, different colors, and so on. The cotton bag shown looks like it could hold at least two typical plastic bags full of groceries, possibly three. You may have heard a lot of contradicting things about cotton bags. The best disposal method for composite bags (like jute composites) might be ‘Reuse as waste bin bag if possible, else incinerate’, Composite bags have a similar impact as LDPE bags for the human toxicity (non cancer effects) indicator, Composite bags have to be re-used less than cotton bags to have the same environmental performance as LDPE bags, 1., 2., 3., 4. These bags only need to be reused around 10-11 times to break even with the conventional plastic environmental impact. 2- Cottons bags use less water, … Non-woven bags vs plastic bags: Non-woven bags are still more durable than the standard plastic shopping bag. Alternatively, they are commonly used as bin liners. Cotton Tote Bags: Most people know that cotton is one of the oldest material that has been used for decades. … Incineration might be the best disposal option for all bags when reuse or repurposing isn’t possible anymore. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. These cookies do not store any personal information. So, sustainability can be something we address on a wider scale than just our bag choice. Imagine every time you buy your grocery from the market or your supermarket, you stop using plastic bags for your vegetables and put them into reusable tote bags instead: the plastic waste you can save in a year is extraordinary. Paper is also widely recycled, which is definitely a score in favour. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-leader-1-0')};Plastic bags can be the common lightweight LDPE plastic shopping bags, or the heavy plastic bags, such as PP, PET and polyester. - Cotton bags should be used 7,100 times - organic cotton would need a much larger number of uses. Bags made from organic cotton, grown without pesticides, fare even worse environmentally. Again, as with the studies we mentioned before, it seems to us that each of these investigations only takes into account a limited number of factors and segments along the production chain, while we want to consider the whole manufacturing as well as the useful life of these bags. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Plastic vs Paper vs Cotton vs Other Reusable Bags: Comparison, & Which Is Best? Not so fast. The best disposal method for paper bags might be ‘Reuse as waste bin bag if possible, else incinerate’, Unbleached paper bags may have a similar environmental impact to LDPE plastic bags for climate change, human toxicity (cancer effects), and fossil fuel resource depletion indicators, Unbleached paper has a lower eco impact than bleached paper), Bleached paper bags need to be reused more times to lower their environmental production cost, Paper bags have to be re-used far less than cotton or composite bags to have the same environmental impact as LDPE bags. I actually switched from plastic bags to all sorts of reusable cotton bags years ago. The second troubling aspect was that “plastic” bags and “cotton” bags were all lumped into a very generic, unique category each. And this is when things get complicated because It really depends on how many times people decide to use them again, and, how carefully they manage to dispose of them once their useful life is over. According to one study from 2011, a cotton bag’s carbon footprint is 598.6 pounds of CO2, compared to 3.48 pounds for a standard plastic bag made from high-density polyethylene. Or paper one? low-density polyethylene bags (the thicker plastic bags commonly used in supermarkets) should be used four times non-woven polypropylene bags should be used 11 times cotton bags … So why are some people so against them? Comparing Jute and plastic Bags, Jute is biodegradable and Compostable whereas plastic bags are non-biodegradable and release cancer-causing compounds. This can only happen if any single cotton bag is used approximately 131 times. The first one is that most articles available on the subject merely look at the carbon footprint of producing these different carrier bags, but they won’t take into consideration the length of use and the disposable implications of the types of bags analysed. The minimum number of times each bag must be reused in order to be more environmentally friendly than a single use plastic bag varies: Cotton tote bag: 173 times Fold up reusable bag (non-woven polypropylene): 14 times We know how hard it is to manage daily life without having the extra pressure of worrying about the effects of your purchases on the planet. Plastic vs Paper vs Metal vs Glass vs Bamboo vs Silicone vs Other Reusable Straws: Comparison, & Which Is Best? Organic cotton and cotton bags have to be re-used far more times than the more disposable bags (like plastic) in order to have the same environmental performance, largely because of their significant production footprint in terms of energy, resources etc. Soft plastic bags are going to have strength issues with heavy loads. So let’s have a look at the different types of bags before we start comparing their sustainability. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Cotton bags have a surprisingly high environmental impact because of the effort that goes into growing cotton and producing the bags. Overall, apart from the choice of bag we use, we have other significant lifestyle choices we can make if we want to be more sustainable, such as the food we eat, how we get around in transport, and the home we live in (just as a few examples). The issue with cotton is that it is typically grown on semiarid land so it consumes a huge amount of water and you also need a lot of pesticides. Some think they are the best eco-friendly option available when it comes to carrier bags, and some people will just scare the hell out of you with their steep carbon footprint figures. Regarding reusing plastic bags, one of the tricky things is that even if they have the potential to be utilised multiple times, most people either end up collecting them in a kitchen drawer that never gets opened. The ones we are most used to, the so-called supermarket plastic bags, are made of from high-density polyethene (HDPE). They are easy to wash and you can reuse them and avoid hundreds and thousands of plastic bags. Although not as resistant as plastic or cotton, the positive thing about it is that it is easily compostable, so it can be added to pretty much any back garden compost bin turning into useful fertilizer. Lastly, being able to be composted at the end of (a long) life without creating extra pollution, is definitely going to add to the sustainability score of your bag of choice. Reusable bags can have a bigger footprint during production (especially cotton bags), but this is compensated if reused many times. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. However, if they are produced on the other side of the world, shipped by air and by suppliers who do not adhere to environmental standards of waste disposal, then their sustainability score is really quite low compared to reusable options. This material is most commonly seen in promotional tote bags and shopper bags. Fashion Factor: Fashion retailers strive for an original and aesthetic appeal to their plastic bags. Some things that are clear though are that re-using bags as many times as possible, repurposing bags for as long as possible, and trying to limit the amount of new bags you buy can be beneficial. By Zoe Schlanger, April 2019 "If you’re trying to contribute as little as possible to the two global calamities of climate change and the swirling gyres of forever-materials slowly filling our oceans, there’s a useful formula to keep in mind: Use fewer things, many times, and don’t buy new ones. Many governments have recognized the potential hazards associated with plastic bags and have taken steps to reduce their numbers. plain looking bags) can also be more environmentally friendly. Ozone depletion is the biggest environmental impact of the cotton bags due to the chemical used in its production. Paper bags are going to have issues with strength, durability and getting wet and losing their integrity (if they get punctured, torn, or stretched). The Plastic Bags Vs. Reusable Bags Takeaway. Hence, cotton is the best material to make a bag compared to plastic, considering its environmental aspects. Please learn more at The Earth has been facing immense pollution from our garbage and consumption. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more …. It means that manufacturing plastic bags is less resource-intensive than paper bags or cotton tote shopper bags. Furthermore, plastic bags are often doubled for strength, so comparing a cotton bag to one plastic bag isn’t the reality. 4.3.4 Polyester carrier bags: PETpol 52 4.3.5 Starch-complexed biopolymer bags: BP 53 4.3.6 Paper bags: PAP, PAPb 53 4.3.7 Cotton bags: COTorg, COT 53 4.3.8 Composite bags: COM 53 4.3.9 LDPE waste bin bag 53 5. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. When I started researching the topic in-depth, I came across 2 problems pretty much straight away. Cloth bags are better than plastic bags for many reasons, but two of the biggest reasons are: Cloth bags are reusable, decreasing the need to use more materials for single-use production, and Cloth bags reduce plastic use and therefore plastic pollution Reuse vs. We at EarthBits think that organic, GOTS cotton bags made by ethical companies are the true winners, what do you think? Plastic Bags vs. In terms of litter and bag pollution rates: if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')};Plastic bags are among the littered items most commonly found during clean ups on land and on beaches and coast lines, This may suggest not only that we use a lot of them, but they have high waste rates and pollution or littering rates.