A gripping documentary produced by Anjelica Huston follows PETA's dedicated team of fieldworkers, who live in hope as they respond to cases and calls for help around the clock and in all weather extremes. PETA has long been the center of a lot of controversy. Some say that technology is the future, but students of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay are proving that compassion is really the world’s way forward. Yes, PETA cares about animals—it’s why we take uncompromising stands on animal rights. The CCF tries to make it seem like solving the animal homelessness crisis is as simple as setting up huge kennels in which to keep all the sick, dying, and unwanted animals. Animals aren’t numbers, and an animal shelter’s statistics alone rarely give an accurate picture of the work that the facility does (or doesn’t do) to help animals. Her elderly guardian, desperate to end her suffering, had contacted several veterinarians and animal shelters but couldn’t find help because of COVID-19 shutdowns—until someone referred her to PETA. After our investigation, the state of Utah amended its archaic law that forced government-run animal shelters to sell dogs and cats to laboratories. CORE devotes considerable human resources, time, and money to an effort to mislead people who care about animals with false or deceptive information about PETA's work. We are committed to ending the dog and cat overpopulation crisis, but PETA also saves and improves the lives of animals who are suffering on factory farms and fur farms, and in laboratories, circuses, and other abusive industries. June 22, 2018 1:25 AM ET. These policies put animals in danger because they prompt shelters to turn animals away or they make it expensive and difficult for people who can no longer care for their animal companions to surrender them to a shelter. Global Exotics, Inc., including animals confined to severely crowded and filthy soda bottles, milk jugs, litter pans, cattle-feeding troughs, and barren wire cages as well as employees putting hundreds of sick, injured, and dying animals in a freezer to die slowly and painfully. Stay up to date on the latest vegan trends and get breaking animal rights news delivered straight to your inbox! Tweet. Since the day of its foundation in 1980, PETA has done a lot for animal rights. Pages Businesses Nonprofit Organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Videos Being Prepared For a Disaster Could Save Your Companion Animals' Life We've called on governors and the White House to promote mandatory spay-and-neuter legislation across the country and more. Every year, we help keep countless animals out of overburdened shelters by providing free sterilizations and shots as well as counseling to help people work through perceived obstacles to keeping their animals. PETA spends less than one percent of its multi-million dollar budget actually helping animals. Local veterinary clinics wanted upwards of $300 to give this elderly, immobile, unresponsive dog named Kya a peaceful end—a fee that her guardian couldn’t afford. So where did your money go last year? When an aggressive, unsocialized dog has been left to starve at the end of a chain with a collar grown into his neck and his body racked with mange, PETA will spare him from dying slowly and miserably in someone's backyard. PETA lobbies government agencies to impose fines and confiscate animals when animal-welfare legislation has been violated, promotes a vegan lifestyle, tries to reform practices on factory farms and in slaughterhouses, sends undercover … PETA takes action for animals, and we act honestly and with integrity. A dog named Missy was suffering from end-stage liver failure. Yes, PETA cares about animals—it’s why we take uncompromising stands on animal rights.And our stances (including our position on euthanasia) always support our driving mission: to stop animal abuse worldwide.. It’s because we care about animals, including those kept as companions, that we provide services in our community: In … Duck, a beloved golden retriever, had developed a debilitating seizure disorder for which there was no treatment. We’re the largest animal rights organization in the world, and our fieldworkers’ efforts and nationwide work to promote adopting, not shopping are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our work to alleviate suffering. They are kept in tiny enclosures and many don't receive proper care—it's … Barb's owners were unable to care for her properly, so they asked PETA for help. Save Animals . PETA expressed its disagreement with the findings in a statement this week: ‘PETA’s shelter took in and euthanized 1,805 elderly, feral, sick, dying, aggressive, and otherwise unadoptable animals—more than 400 of whom were brought to PETA by loving but destitute guardians desperate to alleviate their beloved animals’ suffering, and many others who had been turned away by local so … Thanks to our field team’s efforts, though, we were able to provide him with a gentle, pain-free passing. They get offended over small "problems" because some guy rescues animals. He was suffering from cancer, too. Front groups for animal-exploiting industries—like the misleadingly named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF)—try to deceive the public about this aspect of PETA’s work to help animals. In April, our fieldworkers encountered Boe, a severely emaciated pit bull who’d been kept chained outdoors his entire life, trapped and neglected. Kya’s fur was coming off in large chunks, and she was severely underweight. PETA, Organisation Behind Jallikattu Ban, Responsible For Deaths Of 34,000 Animals Since 1998 Indian students calling for a ban on PETA at Marina Beach in Chennai. Unlike Shelby County No Kill Mission, PETA also reached out to officials, but not to help save the animals. People feed animals because they need to be fed to stay alive (no shit). She was picked up by animal control, which contacted PETA for help in placing her. The progress we are making in these areas makes companies that profit from these cruel industries fear for their bottom line—so much so that many have resorted to paying the CCF to attack our work. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. PETA exposes egregious abuse on factory farms, such as the Aviagen Turkeys facility in Lewisburg, West Virginia. If you care about dogs, cats, and other companion animals, please, join us in working toward the day when every one of them has a loving home. The top guns make ludicrous salaries. What PETA does not publicize, however, it euthanizes -- … Because of our code of ethics, we’ll never turn our back on an animal in need. PETA, Organisation Behind Jallikattu Ban, Responsible For Deaths Of 34,000 Animals Since 1998 Indian students calling for a ban on PETA at Marina Beach in Chennai. When impoverished families cannot afford to pay a veterinarian to let a suffering and/or aged animal leave this world, PETA will help. Amanda now lives at a spacious vegetarian sanctuary with other rescued animals. Professional Laboratory and Research Services, Inc. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Professional Laboratory and Research Services (PLRS), Death or Divorce and Your Animal Companion. Attacking those who clean up after a throwaway society that thoughtlessly buys, breeds, and discards cats and dogs does nothing to help animals. Even adoptable animals aren't safe. Had PETA not intervened, this dog would’ve endured a slow, agonizing death—outdoors, alone, and on a chain. PETA is not an association of concerned pet owners, but rather an extremist organization dedicated to eliminating all human use of animals and actually establishing animal rights. The CCF tries to make it seem as though solving the homeless-animal crisis is as simple as setting up huge kennels in which to keep all the sick, dying, and unwanted animals. We want to make you laugh and teach you something … House’s owner let him loose to die in the woods. As long as companion animals are still deliberately bred and people aren’t spaying and neutering their dogs and cats, open-admission animal shelters and organizations like PETA must do society’s dirty work. Through information for the public, cruelty investigations, research, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, protests and demonstrations, and campaigns, we work to dismantle speciesism—a human-supremacist viewpoint used to defend treating other living, feeling beings like research tools, food ingredients, fabric, or toys. Does PETA actually help animals? Is water wet? The story of them killing animals isn’t even unusual. The horrific video footage led to 19 indictments, including 11 felony charges, against three former Aviagen workers, marking the first time in U.S. history that factory-farm employees have faced felony cruelty-to-animals charges for abusing birds. He had contracted feline AIDS (FIV) but is otherwise healthy. We go so far as to transport animals to and from our mobile clinics, where they are spayed or neutered and given veterinary care, often free of charge. Noting that PETA, unlike many "no-kill" shelters, turns no animal away, Schinke added, "we do everything in our power to help these animals." PETA, considered by many to be the highest-profile animal rights group in the country, kills an average of about 2,000 dogs and cats each year at its animal shelter here. Not only has our number of retention cases grown steadily over the years, since 1998—thanks to our kind members and supporters—we’ve also been able to give 7,403 sturdy, custom-built PETA doghouses to dogs who would’ve otherwise languished without adequate shelter in the scorching summer sun and suffered miserably during Virginia’s and North Carolina’s freezing winters. But we and our members and supporters know our truth: We are against all needless killing, whether it’s for experimentation, food, clothing, or entertainment. As we explain in The Atlantic, the statistics that CCF reports don't include the many adoptable animals we have referred to high-traffic open-admission shelters where they will have the best chance of being seen and finding a new home. Euthanasia isn’t the enemy—puppy mills, breeders, and irresponsible owners who bring more dogs and cats into a world that doesn’t offer them all the chance for a home are. Like open-admission animal shelters across the country, PETA performs the heartbreaking task of euthanizing animals who are unwanted for one reason or another: because they are aggressive, sick, hurt, elderly, or at death's door and because no good homes exist for them. They propose … As Virginia officials speaking about our shelter acknowledged to USA Today, “PETA will basically take anything that comes through the door, and other shelters won’t do that.”.