The Afar National Democratic Party (ANDP), the Benishangul-Gumuz People's Democratic Unity Front (BGPDUF), the Ethiopian Somali People's Democratic Party (ESPDP), the Gambela People's Democratic Movement (GPDM) and the Hareri National League (HNL) were also included in the merger. It’s high time that all stakeholders should come together and chart alternative system out of this mess. It’s an objective of many political parties. Abiy also had no problem allowing Isaias/Eritrea to act on his own vendetta. The evangelical, anti-intellectual politics behind Abiy Ahmed’s Prosperity Party is an under-examined force driving mass delusion, national decline, and war. As an example, many Ethiopians were dumbfounded when he went on national television to give viewers an hour-long personal tour into his palace renovation project, where he clearly insinuated that it was a great achievement that Ethiopians should be proud of. Humanitarian situation in Tigray (12 April 2021) – Tigray. Throughout its 28-year rule, the EPRDF coalition weakened Ethiopia’s bureaucracy and paralysed state institutions, leading to a major brain drain. Infamously, he revealed that his mother prophesied about him being the king of Ethiopia one day. The Answer to why the racism/radical extremism of Oromo Prosperity Party: Oromuma. Prosperity Party - DireDawa. Many other ethnic groups have their own PP branch. The Prosperity Party, unlike the EPRDF, will include people from all ethnic groups. Abiy agrees: “My people don’t understand me,” he complained to diplomats. ,who have strong overt association with Amhara extremists, centrlalist fanatics and the recently imported religious right sects in the country from America and other assorted demogogues. Getachew Reda- As unfairly rejected from PP 4. Let me be clear that it does not represent the average Oromo. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. How can Abiy address the chronic and constitutional problem before the election? The author is a tplf sympathizer masquerading as an intellectual — a third rate intellectual at that. The Military was not under his control either. Main photo: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the launching event of his new book, YeMedemer Menged; Office of the Prime Minister; 6 March, 2021. But the constitutional promise of one political and economic community had been undercut by a lack of democratization. They are the same stock and breed, they are all capable of brutality and can have little regard for real democracy and the general good of the population. In the words of Dicey “feder alism is a political invention which is intended to reconcile national . It is pure acts and just feel good about rhetoric without results or substence. He claimed that if others saw the impressive façade of the palace, then they would believe that Ethiopia is a competent country and would give us more aid. The Author doesn’t seem to know the impact of tourism. Some people have a PhD in politics but they haven’t administered even a district. His wordpress blog is shallow which throws links to advertised scholarship. He has used his personal talent in parabolic writing to influence Abiy’s speeches and writings. In addition to all the military operation carried out in the region, Abiy gave Amhara militias a free hand to terrorize and drive Tigray people out of western Tigray into the Sudan desert. The creation of the new Ethiopian Prosperity Party (PP) replaces the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front-(EPRDF), founded in 1988. In another instance, Ethiopian state television found it acceptable to broadcast an individual claiming that Abiy will win the war on Tigray because Sheik Jibril’s prophecies are on his side. These projects will be landmarks not just for Finfinne/Addis but for the whole country. There is no peace across the country, and tension is on the rise every where. Moreover, as each region was administered by an ethnic-based party, conflicts across regional administrative boundaries were common. *The word prosperity is good word per se. “Indeed, some have associated him with the Prophet Moses, suggesting that Abiy will lead Ethiopians on the path towards greatness.” Indeed he has salvaged his country from destruction. We know that Abiy is an active member of Full Gospel church which is far away from the churched labeled as prosperity Gospel churches. Ethiopia: Prosperity Party’s pandemic power grab. Some who have tried to criticize his ways and policies based on sound evidence and reasoning have been personally attacked and threatened by Abiy’s supporters and social media propagandists. The merger into a countrywide party is part of Abiy's general policy of distancing the country's politics from ethnic federalism,[citation needed] and it will thus run for the first time in the 2021 general election. Like the United Russia Party, Prosperity Party is a centrist party that works to address diversity in Ethiopia, he noted. Mulubrhan is a researcher based at the University of Florida with a research focus on sustainable development. Look no further than the shady characters behind of it of the likes of the religious charlatans Daniel Kebret et al. His two books published in a rush before he became prime minister were severely criticized for lacking content and being nothing more than sophistry—a hodgepodge of ideas constructed with rhetorical fallacies and delivered with pseudo-intellectual, evangelical self-help fervor. Addis Ababa February 15/2021 (ENA) President of the ruling Prosperity Party (PP), Abiy Ahmed has launched today the party’s manifesto and electoral symbol for the 6th General Election. The thing you regard it as “prosperity Gospel” is nothing but it is the extraordinary oratorical ability of abiy that gushed from understanding the Ethiopian people deeply and its amazing impact that makes all of us to hope. Try to evaluate actions on the ground. Abiy’s pseudo-intellectual tendencies have predictably put him at odds with seasoned and experienced experts on various critical matters concerning Ethiopia’s politics and its future. ", "Opinion | The Trouble With Ethiopia's Ethnic Federalism (Published 2019)", Tigray Prosperity Party Inaugurates Office in Mekelle, Abiy meets Prosperity Party leaders from Tigray. The Prosperity Party (PP) is organised along ethnic lines. The [Lord] says those who surround you, be them the Egyptians, the Sudanese, the Kenyans, Somalians, internal and external enemies, the diasporas, the Lord is saying I am the one who put you on the throne, and I will keep you there, have no fear.”. None at all! Since the attacks on the Northern Command on 4 November 2020 there has been armed fighting between the TPLF-led regional forces and Federal government-led forces in Tigray. He also mentioned that the party has prepared program and party regulation, which is yet to be made public, and a 10 years plan to usher “Ethiopia to prosperity.” The umbrella coalition organization of Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), was composed of four major ethnic-based (except SEPDM) political organizations and five other support organizations. Directly under the executive committee in the party's hierarchy is … He focuses on creating an artificial image of ‘prosperity’ through carefully staged photoshoots that depict him amidst beautiful landscapes, exaggerated industrial achievements, and other such scenes. Daniel Kibret- claimed Ethiopia was at its best when the war on Tigray was raging and thousands of civilians were being massacred Experts expelled. “…I am saying this about the Prime Minister. No, tt’s not. Such analysis and resulting recommendations have been made repeatedly, though, unfortunately, they have been ignored. *In my opinion It’s very hard to present Abiy as a culprit for the assassinations and internal displacement in Ethiopia. Intellectual rigor aside, it should be remembered that Abiy also used questionable ways of promoting his book. This extraordinary change in course is done as an internal reform rather than a revolution. Cite Ethiopia Insight and link to this page if republished. PPG ideologies normalize pseudo-intellectualism and, in extreme cases, anti-intellectualism in Ethiopia. A quick look at his twitter account shows that he is one of the TPLF sympathizer with yellow twitter profile. The father of Nebiyu is controversial like Abiy’s father is. 386K likes. 4.4 The Ethiopia Prosperity Party (EPP) Centralize Power . The problem is not that there is a political group trying impose a unitary system and dismantle the federal system to weaken nations and nationalities. Nowadays, religious leaders from across the spectrum can be seen running rampant across social media and state television endorsing Abiy—and his war. #Ethiopia #Yegna -Tube#ሰብስክራይብ_ያድርጉ #share #Like''የኢትዮጵያ የደህንነት ስጋት ህመንግስቱ ነዉ''!!!! CHAPTER ONE General rules Article 1. There still are forces both inside PP and outside trying to stop/subvert the reform. No economic, no deleopmental nor serious societal agendas like reconciliation efforts and reform issues on the cards so far. Alex de Waal, comparing Abiy’s book Medemer with the approach followed by the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) leadership wrote: “One of the attractions of Abiy’s philosophy of Medemer (‘synergy’ or ‘coming together’) is precisely that it lacks the intellectual rigor characteristic of the TPLF leadership and their fellow revolutionaries. The party's logo consists of two black hands holding three human figures, one blue, one yellow, and one pink, with sun rays shooting outwards from the human figures. People start to believe blindly in ideas that are incongruous to reality; they swell with nationalist pride and fall for false promises of quick economic development. Though it shocks many of us to hear that Ethiopia could be at its best while in the midst of a brutal civil war, Daniel was genuine in his claim. The danger of such vanity projects is not only their abject disregard for the situation on the ground, but that the mass delusion takes hold of the party cadres and followers. Regional and municipal council elections were also planned to be held at the same time around the country. These visions have found a stronghold among Amhara nationalists in particular, and fueled an appetite for war in order to achieve their ends at any cost. Ethiopia’s Prosperity Party Officially Formed in the Capital Addis Ababa . እኛ … Low impact projects? […] Mulubrhan Balehegn: The politics and problems of Prosperity Party Gospel […], Complementary to the anti-intellectualism. A gay-erotica-writer-turned-historian Jeff Pearce is one of such ‘experts’ whose writings, that at times clearly run against factual evidence, are covered by government websites. Introduction Political party [2] plays pivotal role in social and economic transform of the given country and nationality. He got rid of the wicked and predatory EPRDF, but replaced it with his own incubator of deception and repression, Prosperity Party (PP). He maintains the blog where he shares academic resources and opportunities for early-career researchers. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The professor’s flip-flopping stance on important national issues such as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam are strong evidence of this. However, human rights violations, corruption, and a tight grip on power brought about popular protests between 2015 and 2018, culminating in Abiy Ahmed Ali becoming the new Prime Minister. No comment. It’s a levelatory and an insightful article. “Therefore, through time, he and his party colleagues have developed a profound distaste for experts.” The Prime Minister office is full of experts. According to your angry argument abiy will simply be an atheist. It is as if Abiy is talking about another country, not Ethiopia. It’s achievable given the history of China and others. It also established itself as a linchpin of peace in the Horn of Africa and a strategic ally for the West.