The harsh campaign to forcibly assimilate the … The recent leak of Chinese Communist Party documents to the New York Times offers a chilling glimpse into the 21st century’s largest system of concentration camps.. A … Why is the UN ignoring China’s concentration camps and the fate of 2m people? Published 8 November 2018. Uyghur women are subjected to pregnancy checks, and forced abortions and sterilizations have been performed on many. Researchers reveal newly-built and expanded ‘re-education’ detention centres in region China has consistently denied that it is locking up Muslims without trial. She has recently spoken out against the Biden administration, saying that “Many countries continue to do business with China. Reader discretion is advised. As countries weigh their options over Xinjiang, China’s economic heft looms large. China on Uyghur Concentration Camps: U.S. ‘Commits Genocide’ 2 REMKO DE WAAL/ANP/AFP via Getty Images. These photos show the camp in February 2017 and August 2018. China’s 260 concentration camps are proof of pure evil By Post Editorial Board. China’s detention of Uyghur Muslims in "reeducation camps" has served as a pilot program for the regime’s blueprint of persecution on religious groups. China Claims All Uyghur Concentration Camp Victims, Witnesses Are Fake 2,108 GREG BAKER/AFP/Getty Images. The Chinese Communist Party restricts the use of the Uyghur language and has demolished Uyghur graveyards and shrines. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and government-run newspapers in the country launched a campaign Thursday to discredit women who have testified to being raped and tortured in Communist Party-run concentration camps, referring to them as criminals and … The long read: After 10 years living in France, I returned to China to sign some papers and I was locked up. This photo taken on June 4, 2019 shows a facility believed to be a re-education camp where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained, north of Akto in China's northwestern Xinjiang region. They have set up a network of concentration camps, a gulag archipelago. At least 1 million Uighurs have been interned since 2017 in more than 85 identified camps within Xinjiang-- an autonomous region in Northwest China, according to Western reports. After 20 days, Ӧmir was finally released. Members of the Uyghur community in New Zealand yesterday sent a letter Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, asking that genocide be declared about the situation of Uyghurs of Xinjiang, China… The Chinese government has turned East Turkestan into a wretched, shocking surveillance state. Ben Whedon 12 Jan 2021. As a Uighur Muslim myself, I know people are being brainwashed into forgetting their cultures, religions and identities. BREAKING: Uyghur Concentration Camp survivors describe AWFUL Treatment (The Post Millennial) – Accounts from survivors of Uyghur concentration camps, where China’s Uyghur minority has been subjected to genocide at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, have detailed the institutionalized rape and torture of female soldiers, BBC reports. Starting in 2017, China carried out a crackdown in its Xinjiang region under the banner of counterterrorism. These measures call for 1) the dismantling of concentration camps in China, 2) the U.S. State Department to place economic and diplomatic sanctions on China through the Global Magnitsky Act, 3) expedite asylum requests of Uyghur and other ethnic minorities who suffer persecution, 4) hold U.S. companies publicly accountable to relay human rights data and use of forced labor if doing business … PM / By Flint Duxfield and Ian Burrows. Images from Chinese state TV show life inside the "schools" But a euphemism for the camps has long existed - education. China … Washington D.C., Feb 3, 2021 / 03:30 pm (CNA).- Warning: graphic and disturbing content below. Tursunay Ziyawudun is a Uyghur, someone indigenous to the Xinjiang region of China — known to them as East Turkistan. There’s reason to doubt that.] Frances Martel 5 Feb 2021. Actually there are no re-education camps - all are concentration camps,” he says. China has built nearly 400 internment camps in Xinjiang, study finds. Uyghur woman details life inside Chinese 're-education camp' in Xinjiang. We do not have to look further than China’s own documents and its own propaganda organs to recognise that the Chinese State is holding vast numbers of Uyghurs in concentration camps, subjecting the entire Uyghur community both inside and outside the camps to forced indoctrination, surveillance and censorship, and attempting to erase the identity and culture of the Uyghur people. 'I spent seven days of hell in Chinese camps' Published 12 February 2019. Rushan Abbas, a Uyghur Chinese-immigrant operating in the United States whose sister is currently subjected to forced labor in a CCP concentration camp, has been the main advocate in the U.S. for recognizing the CCP’s crimes against humanity. Those who have too many children are sent to detention camps unless they can pay substantial fines. ...and the internet detectives working to find them.Become a Video Lab member! His wife had sent endless letters to the UN and Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan, where he was previously naturalised. Chinese state propaganda machine Global Times on Monday railed against Western accusations that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has organized a genocide against the majority-Muslim Uyghurs in the Xinjiang autonomous region. Evidence of these abuses include satellite imagery showing the location of concentration camps and witness ... truth — her husband is currently behind bars in China because he is Uyghur. A campaign against supposed forced labor in Xinjiang has forced Uyghur workers out of their jobs while extracting a handsome payout from a US apparel company to Uyghur exile groups lobbying against China. The allegations of forced birth control are backed by research conducted by the Associated Press into the murky world of China’s concentration camps. [China said it closed Muslim detention camps. We do not have to look further than China’s own documents and its own propaganda organs to recognise that the Chinese State is holding vast numbers of Uyghurs in concentration camps, subjecting the entire Uyghur community both inside and outside the camps to forced indoctrination, surveillance and censorship, and attempting to erase the identity and culture of the Uyghur people. China's Muslim 'crackdown' explained. She is also a two-time survivor of Uyghur concentration camps , where the Chinese government has held up to 3 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities, subjecting them to rape, forced labor, sterilizations and political indoctrination. In … ‘They kill us here’: Survivor of Uyghur concentration camps recounts torture Zoom screenshot Pitt’s centers for Governance and Markets and Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, as well as the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh and Congregation Beth Shalom, all collaborated to host a virtual event Tuesday to raise awareness about the geneocide of Uyghur Muslims in China. Chinese authorities dramatically expanded a re-education camp for the persecuted Uighur minority in Kashgar, Xinjiang. For the next two years, I was systematically dehumanised, humiliated and brainwashed